oh, hey!! i'm Anna and it's super great to meet you!

since i love making lists (and i'm terrible at writing about myself), i'll just make a list of things that i adore and am thankful for:

and these are in no particular order...here we go:

- the color of sunshine
- obnoxiously loud laughter
- art museums
- the way my husband makes me laugh
- Panera Bread's hazelnut coffee (and basically everything else at Panera)
- my five, younger siblings
- traveling to new places near and far
- grace and forgiveness
- warm weather

this list could be about 29384209384 times longer. but i'll save you. i love photographing crazyfun people for a living. it's far beyond anything i deserve and my heart is full. to check out some of my latest adventures and travels, stop by my blog! xo!